Ramjas International School is a co-educational Public School from Nursery-XII class. It is situated in New Delhi. Ramjas International School is one of the best schools of New Delhi and provides World Class Education with recognition from a number of foreign organizations. Ramjas RKP is a full fledged 3 section school with a total strength of more than 1900 students, with around a 100 Staff on roll. We are very consciously gearing ourselves to face the next millennium for the children with us today will be adults in a very different world and we need to prepare them for it. The need to develop an open, flexible, inter disciplinary and global curriculum has never been greater.
Ramjas International School has etched its unique place and has a distinct flavour. It stands out among the many contenders in its neighbourhood.Its reputation rests on its honest endeavours and transparent conduct. The entire focus of the management has been on providing it an ambience conducive to growth.
The school has registered an exponential growth despite being faced with unprecedented challenges. As ever, the staff and the students rallied around and jointly created learning spaces that were a best possible simulation of physical classes being run. A slew of activities was conducted despite several logistics concerns.
Ramjas International School is like a breath of fresh air amidst a glut of similar schools in the neighbourhood. The institute is known for imparting quality education without any compromise on human values or ethics. It is in sync with the changing times with its heart in the right place. . It's proud of its well-equipped
Change is imminent and we must adapt or face obsolescence. Human history has witnessed the largest disruption caused by the pandemic, dramatically affecting the education system also across the world. However online teaching- a panacea in the crisis - opened great opportunities to reinvent learning and assessment strategies.